For the second time chairman of Tread Respiratory Society Guardian Martial Arts Indonesia ( TWI ) Gubes HE Sheikh H. Azis , BE , SE , MMG set foot in the land of Sivia Patuju . The presence of TWI in Ampana chairman in a series of regular agenda long trip every hermitage TWI scattered archipelago .
Reports of State Sam Asiku Sivia Patuju
Thursday ( 02/06/2014 ) morning as the sun started to move up , after a night's rest in the town of Poso Ebony inova car number plate which is driven DT 131 GB YM Gubes owner Sheikh H. Azis , BE , SE , MMG , as usually only accompanied by the chairman of Central Sulawesi, Andi Komda Jamil , and Akbar MMG , MMG . Silver blue silver car slowly marched towards the East along the winding path toward Unauna Tojo , until 14:00 pm stop at page TWI Tojo Secretariat Branch Unauna the village banyan street Marowo Ulubongka districts .
Saturday Night ( 06/02/2014 ) at around 19:40 pm , HH Sheikh Gubes H. Azis , BE , SE , MMG proceeded to Ampana , Capital District residents who graduated dozens of candidates on February 4, 2014 night have a physical exam or better known pendadaran . The series of events after pewisudahan followed by discussion for citizens AND I Elementary recently finished graduate until 24.00 pm .
Before returning to Marowo HE Sheikh Gubes H. Azis , BE , SE , MMG briefly review the development Padepokan TWI and dinner at the secretariat Kramat Field .
Chairman of Central Sulawesi, Andi Jamil Komda accompanying MMG YM Gubes stated above kesyukurannya citizen initiative Ampana TWI basis of mutual cooperation in realizing the compound which is the central activity dikabupaten Tojo Unauna TWI . In order to establish the TWI program in Ampana Andi Jamil provide clues about the arrangement Padepokan while tucking a message to all citizens Ampana TWI in order to maintain the same unity that has been well established . " Insha Allah who is doing good he will reap good results ", said Andi Jamil .
Elsewhere messages Andi Jamil TWI expects that every citizen is always ready and alert to help governments and communities if necessary , so that the positive impact will be felt all the party organizations . Especially how the vision can be realized within the organization 's mission to build and maintain healthy communities and always devoted to the creator of the universe . "Said Andi Jamil .
While Korlap Ampana Faruk Mardjun questioning about the activities of post pewisudahan TWI , said residents have begun enrollment , because the motion field begins February 10, 2014 . " For our premier motion motion main field kramat Dondo village . " He explained . According pewisudahan very short period ie on April 9, 2014. " I hope that all citizens will rise tatatan good or not so that any schedule is always present motion always follows the practice field . " Strictly speaking .
The next agenda HE Sheikh Gubes H. Azis , BE , SE , MMG implement citizen discussion and II starts after noon to dusk and Isha prayers Gubes HE Sheikh H. Azis , BE , SE , MMG discussion and re-implement the basic and Intermediate III in Branch secretariat room at Marowo Unauna TWI Tojo .
HE Sheikh trip Gubes H. Azis , BE , SE , MMG is long towards the south Sulawesi before crossing to the island of Borneo .Sunny morning again ... inova car which police numbered 131 GB DT splitting moving slowly back towards the town of Poso road ... take hundreds of kilometers again ...
Reports of State Sam Asiku Sivia Patuju
Thursday ( 02/06/2014 ) morning as the sun started to move up , after a night's rest in the town of Poso Ebony inova car number plate which is driven DT 131 GB YM Gubes owner Sheikh H. Azis , BE , SE , MMG , as usually only accompanied by the chairman of Central Sulawesi, Andi Komda Jamil , and Akbar MMG , MMG . Silver blue silver car slowly marched towards the East along the winding path toward Unauna Tojo , until 14:00 pm stop at page TWI Tojo Secretariat Branch Unauna the village banyan street Marowo Ulubongka districts .
Saturday Night ( 06/02/2014 ) at around 19:40 pm , HH Sheikh Gubes H. Azis , BE , SE , MMG proceeded to Ampana , Capital District residents who graduated dozens of candidates on February 4, 2014 night have a physical exam or better known pendadaran . The series of events after pewisudahan followed by discussion for citizens AND I Elementary recently finished graduate until 24.00 pm .
Before returning to Marowo HE Sheikh Gubes H. Azis , BE , SE , MMG briefly review the development Padepokan TWI and dinner at the secretariat Kramat Field .
Chairman of Central Sulawesi, Andi Jamil Komda accompanying MMG YM Gubes stated above kesyukurannya citizen initiative Ampana TWI basis of mutual cooperation in realizing the compound which is the central activity dikabupaten Tojo Unauna TWI . In order to establish the TWI program in Ampana Andi Jamil provide clues about the arrangement Padepokan while tucking a message to all citizens Ampana TWI in order to maintain the same unity that has been well established . " Insha Allah who is doing good he will reap good results ", said Andi Jamil .
Elsewhere messages Andi Jamil TWI expects that every citizen is always ready and alert to help governments and communities if necessary , so that the positive impact will be felt all the party organizations . Especially how the vision can be realized within the organization 's mission to build and maintain healthy communities and always devoted to the creator of the universe . "Said Andi Jamil .
While Korlap Ampana Faruk Mardjun questioning about the activities of post pewisudahan TWI , said residents have begun enrollment , because the motion field begins February 10, 2014 . " For our premier motion motion main field kramat Dondo village . " He explained . According pewisudahan very short period ie on April 9, 2014. " I hope that all citizens will rise tatatan good or not so that any schedule is always present motion always follows the practice field . " Strictly speaking .
The next agenda HE Sheikh Gubes H. Azis , BE , SE , MMG implement citizen discussion and II starts after noon to dusk and Isha prayers Gubes HE Sheikh H. Azis , BE , SE , MMG discussion and re-implement the basic and Intermediate III in Branch secretariat room at Marowo Unauna TWI Tojo .
HE Sheikh trip Gubes H. Azis , BE , SE , MMG is long towards the south Sulawesi before crossing to the island of Borneo .Sunny morning again ... inova car which police numbered 131 GB DT splitting moving slowly back towards the town of Poso road ... take hundreds of kilometers again ...
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