Kamis, 05 Desember 2013


    Spread the good of the nature of the surface of the earth in the era of globalization became a priority when the values ​​of morality began to be erased from the recesses of the human heart that actually is being given by the perfection of the creator . Man is given a figure of passion and reason ... but it is often deceived by the devil laknatulah various seduction . So sometimes behave animal nature is not given a reason and mind ...

From the center of Martial Arts Respiratory Society Padepokan Tread Mayor Indonesia ( TWI ) Kendari in Southeast Sulawesi , bluish silver inova car rolled plate number DT 131 GB driven by YM Gubes H. Azis , BE , SE , MMG is only accompanied by the chairman of Central Sulawesi, Andi Djamil Komda , MMG and Gubes son Akbar , MMG .Long journey has begun ... several times stopped at Padepokan and follow the winding road curves to perform routine activities and discussion pewisudahan TWI to residents along the way . So finally on Tuesday afternoon ( 03 / 12 ) arrived at the secretariat TWI Tojo Una - una Branch in District Ulubongka Marowo village . The limited time all preparations were made for prime pewisudahan TWI residents in Ampana City as the capital city Tojo Una - Una Sivia held Patuju State .

Tuesday Night ( 03 / 12 ) YM Gubes H. Azis , BE , SE , MMG graduated residents Martial Arts Respiratory Society Guardian Tread Indonesia Central Sulawesi Regional Chairman chaired Komd Central Sulawesi By Andi Djamil , MMG held at Mapala Ampana . Previously pewisudahan in Central Sulawesi planned it will be held in the District Parigi Moutong and Tojo Una - Una , but eventually focused on Ampana .

Community organizations known as TWI already received attention and public interest in general and Central Sulawesi Particularly in Tojo Una - Una . This is due , as well as the role of citizens TWI has given a positive value in the field of moral development and therapeutic treatment arternatif through direct touch to the lower classes of society with free of charge . Besides, TWI as community organizations officially registered officially in local government . As revealed by the field coordinator Ampana Faruk Mardjun , that TWI has been registered in Unity Tojo Una - una , and has several times been involved in some official meetings held in Ampana .A week earlier seen from the bustle of preparation pewisudahan TWI residents in addition to maximizing the training schedule in Ampana 3 field , as well as preparation of pendadaran ( physical exam ) for dozens of prospective citizens into the spirit of power for TWI TWI in Ampana board . Tuesday night all treated as one by one shook Gubes in the activity centered in urban districts Ampana Dondo City .During the 2 days of non stop gubes conducting diAmpana pewisudahan and good discussion and Marowo , no visible signs of fatigue , even at the age of fifties look Mursid the spirit and valor .
Thursday ( 05 / 12 ) after the dawn prayer Gubes Masamba had to go back to the South Sulawesi to carry out the agenda for each regular quarterly Tread compound Indonesian mayor . Hundreds of miles should be by no means be taken for the sake of spreading the virtues of this nature on the surface ...

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